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We support Lactation Consultants in New Zealand

The New Zealand Lactation Consultants Association (NZLCA) is the professional association of the International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in New Zealand. We help professionals with their development, resources, community support and an annual conference.


Our Vision
Aotearoa/New Zealand health transformed through breastfeeding and empowerment.

Te huringa o te Hauora Aotearoa ki te kai wai ū.

Our Mission
To advance the IBCLC profession in Aotearoa/ New Zealand through leadership, advocacy, professional development and research.

Kia paneke te kaupapa IBCLC ki Aotearoa. Kia uru te rangatiratanga, kokiritanga, tupuranga me te rangahau. 


We are the professional voice for Lactation Consultants
in Aotearoa/New Zealand


We believe that breastfeeding matters to women and their babies. Almost all New Zealand women breastfeed, but some wean earlier than they would like, due to problems that are avoidable or manageable.  A Lactation Consultant can make a difference between giving up, and continuing to breastfeed for as long as mother and baby wish.


The Lactation Consultant is the main resource for anyone requiring assistance or needing to know more about special breastfeeding and lactation problems or about the importance of human milk.

The Lactation Consultant advocates for breastfeeding as the norm for babies and toddlers.



Help for Mothers








Resources for Professionals



















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